Thursday, June 7, 2007

Use for monkeys?

Dear Loyal follower,
I'm making this post in a letter format because without experiments we wouldn't need monkeys. Heard a really good philosophical quote the other day, 'put so many monkeys on typewriters and eventually someone will come up with a masterpiece'. I wonder how many monkeys are on blogger? better look that up later. Sure I remember playing a really overcomplicated chess game on the computer. The lowest form of competition was a monkey. I wonder what that says about monkeys? But really what uses do monkeys have or even the evil first pop manufactured boy band the monkees? They've caused shame and grief all over the world and spawned such awfuls like westlife, hearsay etc. Ah remember hearsay, the first batch out of the program before pop idol. A couple of monkeys singing would be a better idea. Sure they're only gonna be lip syncing anyway and if you can teach hearsay then what the monkeys are shoe-ins. I wonder how hearsay would do in the chess game.
Well if we didn't have experiments and we proved evolution then what use what they have? A squawk at the zoo and a good front for WWF. No, not the wrestling thing but the wildlife thing. It gives me wonder that their conspiracy behind the wrestling never came up. Sure it's pretty much monkeys in spandex anyway, sure they'd be cheering on the publicity. Yeh monkey hit that other monkey while i drink beer and eye up that girl. Yeah oh yeah. wait there's monkeys fighting? Assorted rambling.........etc,etc.
Now I'm all up for non-extinction but really do we need to put them in cages and jeer them? Frankly I'm gonna suck up to them. I saw a future documentary about monkeys taking over the planet with the help of future monkees and putting us in cages and jeering us. It scared me so much I went out and bought a monkey protecter, I really don't really know what it is but it'll help. I'm with fallout boy on this one, power to the monkeys. See video if confused. Class song aswell.
Sugar and spice make life nice,

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