Saturday, June 2, 2007

You may wonder the point of this blog. A fun view on life with thrice weekly updates on nearly everything I understand, politics, sport, music, movies etc. I will start with my favourite song of all time just to give you a bit of my flavour.

In the beginning

In the beginning there was light, then came the almighty sound and after that chuck norris and last and least God. He sculpted the earth to his specifications and created us in the image of him to remind him of the goodness in people. Some developed more than others and went in a quest of greed and gold. All the land had been ravaged and the natural resources started to become scarce. The europeans explored Africa for materials and colonised it. All the land now inhabits people as we multiply like never before. As an emo would say 'never have we been so many but never have we been so lonely'. One place remains, an outpost with many resources and wealth beyond its imagination. It has an environment of nothing nobody even knows about. I proclaim myself the last hope of this battling world and a saviour to the man and wo-man. My reasons you may ask, they are above all about integrity. A choice for the good over evil means more to me than any supernormal profit. You who read this now have witnessed the first statement may already tremble before for I am the Prince of Antartica.
Or maybe I should just go with hey my name is Conor with only one n.