Tuesday, June 26, 2007


dear chums,
It's been 6 days, 6 whole days! I know you've all been missing me but I've been beavering away at another project that commanded my utmost attention. See now I've got you wondering, what could be more important than this brillaint blog? But you see I have a life outside this screen and qwerty keyboard. My life doesn't revolve around the internet and what has happened next, the new dramatic prairie dog. But this really is brillaint. I'll post it aswell. Life has more than posting random meaningless topics for other people to drone on and on about. My other project will be exclusively released on this site in the coming weeks and you may also see it in a couple of newspapers of note. I won't build it up anymore, it might hurt. Everyone knows what goes up must come down, especially rocks. I wonder who found that out in the first place, silly idiot anyway. As usual I will say 'I really will blog a lot more' but hey we all know it takes way too much effort and for Spongebobs sake I gave you two the last time.
Until we blog again,
(me and my hand, damn you dirty minds)

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