Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Greens volte-face

hey yall,
The lack of current material is because of the lack of interesting things to say. Well it's going to pick up and I've started with yet another political analysis. The greens are just doing my head in.
Life is all about how you deal with the problems. The idea is to run with the wind at your back and if the wind isn't there then bring a fan, turn it to high and put on your running shoes. That should get you going. This is the greens in a nutshell. The amount of problems they have had with their volte-face, it is truly embarrassing. They have campaigned on some issues like Shannon, Tara and the co-location of hospitals. They have given up on these 'girls' and wandered off to find a shiny black merc staring them in the face. Bikes, what bikes? I wonder if they will give up on that too. Sure the bikes don't even run on vegetable oil, then what use are they to give up on.
This all said, I show an admiration for Trevor Sargent and his honourable actions. He really is a different type of politician. He sticks to his word even before the controversy has started about his past sayings. That said he didn't have to do a 'deal with the devil' (according to one green member) and could have not quit his position to join the now opposition and become the minister for the environment. There's always a choice, but this is where the admiration grows. His party wanted the supposed deal with the devil and he went along with their 86%. In doing so he knew he would have to stand down as leader. I don't see our own shadowy Bertie heading to his own party convention and asking the party for their opinion. He just does what he wants and nobody challenges him. Now that is real power within a party. Not even a whimper out of Dick Roche. He then decided to be generous and give two cabinet seats.
The Greens are lucky to have that fan behind them blowing them up the hill even after the shoes decided to stick to the honourable running. What will be interesting now is the comparison with the now 2 Regressive Democrats and when they were in government. They effectifly became the whipping boys when the sly and cunning Bertie gave them the two most troublesome ministries, Health and Justice. I have noticed that the supposed two biggest complaints were the state of our health service and the social problems on our streets, and surprise surprise the PDs had both and it turned to be their biggest meltdown. The greens now only face minor headaches and are possible to get over with their wise ploy to take safe cabinet seats. They will be strong enough to deal with the problems and maybe even get some new running shoes. The wise words once told 'the best way to get over someone, is to get under someone else'.

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