Friday, June 15, 2007


Its been some peoples lifetime since I last checked in. A full four days, long enough to sit up a kebab business. I have not done so but that hasnt stopped me considering. I'd think we would sell burgers aswell. I always hear people saying 'tis all cardboard anyway, that crap' but some people love cardboard. Some people even buy it and eat it everyday. How do you think McDonalds is in the market, good luck and an irish name, ha. You see its all down to the image, a clown with red hair has really won over the clowns. When you win the clowns you get their promotion at the circues. You never hear a clown saying 'hey you stop eating that cardboard!'. Just never happens. They are the real power brokers. Or power breakers as I like to call them. They can break McDonalds power anytime by exclaiming about their unhealthy cardboard obsession. It's fine when we're talking about healthy cardboard but this is one cardboard of a multinational corporation. Everyone knows not to trust those clowns. Anyway I'll leave short and to the point. More coming up tomorrow.
Conor Mulloy

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